My family and I are blessed with a wonderful golden retriever we named Cody. He is a character. He seeks our love and attention and just absolutely adores us. We've even been able to teach him literally how to talk...
Although we're continually trying to expand his vocabulary repertoire, he has three solid statements that'll blow the average mind... "Momma", "I Love You", and "I Want It". (We're working on teaching him "Get 'er Done" in hopes we'll get a spot on Jay Leno and a doggie movie deal).. (hehe)
He's also has a fixation with his toys which are constantly underfoot. Cody simply lives and strives to please us - his masters, and would probably learn how to pick up his toys and put them away if we took the time to teach him that task.
I just love him and am just tickled at his antics. We've taught him the names of his toys so if we commanded him to "go get his bear, or cow or 'lamby', he'd search every corner of the house until he's able to do what he's asked. Cody is a Master pleaser. He'll even catch a football with his paws instead of his mouth...
One habit Cody has is bringing his toys outside. Being that we're in the midst of a typical Chicago winter, and have two feet of snow on the ground, undoubtedly beneath the white blanket are more of his treasured friends, including his duck, tennis balls and his frisbee.
But as much as Cody loves me, and seeks to please, sometimes he can be downright stubborn.
One particular morning, as I sat in the living room having my devotional time, Cody ran to the door and announced his necessity to go out. In his mouth he clinched his all-time favorite, full-sized leopard. (I'll post a picture later -- It's quite hysterical watching him carry it around - but oh so gently).
I walked over and reasoned with him, "Buddy, you can go out, but you're not taking your leopard. You'll lose it in the snow." Of course he sat down, pal in mouth and looked up at me longingly, as if to say, "Come on - please!?"
"Ah, no. Drop it..." and after much hesitation he did, so I quickly swooped up the toy and set it up high out of reach. Of course his ears drooped and he just sat there - then defiantly ran and grabbed his bear. I crumbled, "Okay fine - but bring it back in with you."
(I know it sounds odd to talk to him like a human - but much of the time - he acts like one!)
A few minutes later he ran up to the door; snow-covered face and toy. So cute! I had to laugh at his antics. He must've dropped his bear into the snowbank, but had dug it out and returned with it in obedience to my request.
What a character...But it's what happened next that made me pause and write this little snippet.
He hadn't forgotten about his best buddy the leopard, whose spotted tail was just in view from his vantage point. He sat near the credenza where it was carefully perched, getting up on two paws, stretching upward to grab the animal by the tail. Then he gazed anxiously over in my direction. I was trying not to distract his efforts so I watched him problem-solve.
He stood, reached, stretched, cried, hopped around on two feet to no avail. The toy was just out of reach.
Then he sat down, turned and looked at me and I asked him, "What do you want?", and he let out a grown then said, "I want it..." I just gasped! "What!?" "I want it" he said again. Now I had to laugh as I got up and moved it just within his reach. He stood up one last time, grabbed it with his teeth and ran off happily!
It was in that moment that my Master spoke. "This is a clear illustration of our relationship, child."
"I know what's best for you. I've given you free will to choose. I will allow you to want your own way, but ultimately - if you will look to Me, reach for me, stretch, put forth godly wisdom and effort and obey - I will give you the desires of your heart; if you will ask. I've told you, "Come, let us reason together..."
So I inquire of you, "Do you want it?", and I reply, "Yes Lord, I want it - I want You..."
Does He chuckle at my antics as He watches closely, quietly, ultimately hoping I will turn to Him...?
Food for thought.. Life doesn't have to be Ruff!! =0)
(Watch for a video of Cody talking soon)
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