Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reinventing Who I Am

We all have dreams, and they reshape themselves as we grow older...

Some are lived out and made into a reality, while others are either abandoned, forgotten - or considered a distant longing.

So here I am, at the tender age, well, mature age of 35/40, I mean 45 and have begun to once again entertain those childhood declarations of "what I want to be when I grow up."

No, it's not a matter of discontent; but a moment of realization that it's never too late to make my dreams become a reality. I do after all, have a pen in hand (or keyboard) at this space in time and it's crying out to the universe, "Hear Me!"

The paradox of a creative mind; (not that I'm declaring myself in a self-indulgent moment) longs to be expressed... Whether we allay it to an attributable bi-polarism or into something constructive, appreciable and useful is up to us. In my specific case and vantage point, I attribute such creativity to my Creator, Who has shaped every molecule of my being, and has a Master plan...

So thus begins this journey of Reinventing Who I Am, in that I can chronicle where I'm at in this moment... Who knows, perhaps it might be viewed by someone who is also on the path trying to better understand God's plan for their life.

~RLM - 11/25/06